Gautam Rode My message to my admirers is please take part in initiatives where you can do something for those actually in need and Christmas is a really beautiful opportunity to do so. – Gautam Rode Admirers Quotes Beautiful Quotes Christmas Quotes Initiatives Quotes Message Quotes Opportunity Quotes In my childhood, I used to usually visit Christmas fairs in our area and at school with my friends and I really miss those days. Christmas is a really special day since I support the initiative ‘Helping Hands’ and I celebrate Christmas with the kids there. I take them to a place they would enjoy, like a hotel or fun zone and spend time with them as we play together and I become Santa for them.
Nicolas Roeg There’s no one ‘right’ way of making a science fiction movie; there’s no one way of making any kind of movie, really! – Nicolas Roeg
Bibi Bourelly My talent before singing is being able to interpret and understand my emotions. I’ve felt pain and felt it intensely, so every time I sing, I revisit it. – Bibi Bourelly
Big Smo My music is about my life. If it’s something that I’ve lived, then it’s something that I’ve written about. – Big Smo
Calamity Jane When I joined Custer I donned the uniform of a soldier. It was a bit awkward at first but I soon got to be perfectly at home in men’s clothes. – Calamity Jane
Natalie Portman I think school is so much harder than real life. People are so much more accepting when they are adults. – Natalie Portman
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