Kenny Chesney My mind is constantly going. For me to completely relax, I gotta get rid of my cell phone. – Kenny Chesney Cell Quotes Completely Quotes Constantly Quotes Gotta Quotes Mind Quotes Phone Quotes Relax Quotes Rid Quotes So many nights I’m up there on stage and I wish everybody out in the audience could see what I see and feel what I feel. It sounds like a cliche, but it… you do sing about what you know about. And I grew up in a small town, and I grew up in a place where your whole world revolved around friends, family, school, and church, and sports.
CoolDonald Glover The thing about stand-up was, I was doing all this sketch and YouTube stuff where I was not being censored and I got to do my own thing, and it was really cool. – Donald Glover
Emma Caulfield The best advice is to take it easy, respect speed limits and do not try to make up time lost in the tailbacks on the open road. – Emma Caulfield
Ronen Bergman I think that Netanyahu is a bit intimidated of and afraid of President Trump. – Ronen Bergman
Mary Lou Jepsen It’s exciting to be able to be part of the block and tackle of building a company from a smaller base. – Mary Lou Jepsen
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