Jeffrey Wright My mom used to take me to the theater to see the tours that would come through D.C., and I loved it. I loved it. I was absolutely enthralled by the theater and by that world. – Jeffrey Wright Absolutely Quotes Dc Quotes Enthralled Quotes Loved Quotes Mom Quotes Theater Quotes Tours Quotes I took a class in college… I think we were reading some short Chekhov plays, and I knew the first day of the class that I was going to be an actor. It was just the bizarrest thing, but it just felt like home. If a director can’t figure out what they might get from me or whether he or she wants to work with me based on what I’ve done, then I can’t tell them anything more than what they don’t know already.
FreedomJohn DoolittleVeterans Day America’s Veterans have served their country with the belief that democracy and freedom are ideals to be upheld around the world. – John Doolittle
Gil Marks Every holiday has unique fare and symbolic foods, but none as much as Rosh Hashana. – Gil Marks
Aidan Chambers I huff and puff and struggle with every sentence, paragraph and page – sometimes every word as well. – Aidan Chambers
Svetlana Alexievich Reality has always attracted me like a magnet; it tortured and hypnotized me. I wanted to capture it on paper. – Svetlana Alexievich
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