SZA My mom was an executive at AT&T, a global account lady. I have no idea what she did. I just know she was never home and speaks several languages. – SZA Account Quotes Att Quotes Executive Quotes Global Quotes Idea Quotes Lady Quotes Languages Quotes Mom Quotes Speaks Quotes I’m a Scorpio with a Pisces moon. I am very critical of myself. I’m actually way less critical of others than I am of myself. I’m in my own head a lot. It’s hard and really discouraging. When I sing full voice, I get nervous because I get nasal and abrasive and a little scratchy.
Mark Shand Elephants seek food elsewhere if their route is blocked, and raiding crops and grain stores brings them into conflict with people, often resulting in deaths on both sides. – Mark Shand
Cristina Saralegui Latin life is rich with warmth, family values and history. I want to bring that beauty into American homes. – Cristina Saralegui
Ashton Shepherd I drink a lot of water and I try to watch what I eat. The thing about me is I like healthy stuff, I like fruits and veggies, so it’s all about moderation. – Ashton Shepherd
Ileana D'Cruz There are days when there’s no will to do anything. It’s not easy for someone in my profession, because you are always meant to be in the limelight. I can’t just not turn up, as I will come across as unprofessional, and people won’t work with me anymore. – Ileana D’Cruz
Bobby Jindal Congress did a good thing back in 1995 in passing the Deep Water Royalty Relief Act. That act did a simple thing. It provided automatic royalty relief for new leases for 5 years in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. – Bobby Jindal
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