Kareem Abdul-Jabbar My most memorable moment came in 1985 as we beat the Boston Celtics. – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Beat Quotes Boston Quotes Celtics Quotes Memorable Quotes Moment Quotes As a parent, I have a job as a role model to my children, and by extension, to other young people. The game has basically not changed since I ended my career.
Richard Griffiths Broadway has the most savvy audience anywhere. They see everything and they know their theater. As sophisticated and subtle as you think you can be, the houses you get here will want something finer. – Richard Griffiths
Sarah Lacy Benefitting from a job bubble is not only a first world problem, it’s an upper-class-educated-lucky-to-be-in-the-right-industry-at-the-right-time kind of first world problem. – Sarah Lacy
Guru Randhawa I can understand criticism coming from people who have met me, but it is off-putting to hear nasty things about myself from people I have never met or even seen in life. – Guru Randhawa
ChanceJack Grealish When you get on the pitch, you’ve got to take your chance, and that’s what I’m trying to do. – Jack Grealish
Mel Robbins While younger women are told to be thinner and prettier, ads for older women emphasize looking younger and wrinkle free – tapping into the insecurities that many of us have about getting older. – Mel Robbins
Jason Mitchell If you get it right, it’s the most grand thing you could ever do. So many people let biopics slip through their fingers, but the opportunity to play Eazy-E could change my life. – Jason Mitchell
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