Amanda Redman My mother was Indian in her soul. – Amanda Redman Indian Quotes Mother Quotes Soul Quotes It’s true, I don’t like the process of getting older. The day after Emily and I appeared on television together in ‘New Tricks’ for the first time, someone approached us when we were out shopping, asking for an autograph. It’s something I’ve been asked a thousand times after nearly three decades in the public eye, but this time the young man wasn’t interested in me. He had eyes only for my daughter.
Richard Harding Davis I knew more about Texas than the Texans and when they told me I would find summer here I smiled knowingly. – Richard Harding Davis
Dennis Miller Why is electricity so expensive these days? Why does it cost so much for something I can make with a balloon and my hair? – Dennis Miller
Ildefonso Guajardo VillarrealPatience There is an old tool that has become very handy that is called strategic patience, which is do not overreact in the short-term. Take your time. See what is the underlying, real message. And then, once the reality is represented by actions, then decide how you are going to react to those actions. – Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal
Jim Parrack My wife is my favorite actress. Without question. I have seen more jaws drop in little theaters when people see my wife up on that stage than you can imagine. – Jim Parrack
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