Robert Rinder My musical taste is somewhat dated – I mean, freeze frame, go back 60 years, and you’re in my comfort zone. – Robert Rinder Comfort Quotes Dated Quotes Frame Quotes Freeze Quotes Musical Quotes Taste Quotes Zone Quotes When I first heard Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way,’ I looked out the window for the car alarm going off. Going to salsa clubs may be popular, but I feel we’re really missing something as a society by overlooking ballroom dancing. If only we could persuade schools to teach it or there was somewhere young people could go on a Saturday night to learn it.
Gordon Hayward I’m a competitor, I just love to compete, and playing video games is a way to compete and have fun with your friends. – Gordon Hayward
James Jebbia Supreme wasn’t meant to be a brand… It’s a good name, but it’s a difficult one to trademark. – James Jebbia
Nicholas Hammond It’s very nice when you’re checking onto a flight and the person behind the desk suddenly upgrades your seat for you and then hands you back the boarding pass and says, ‘It’s my favorite movie.’ – Nicholas Hammond
Brittany Howard The first time I learned how to play, my guitar was out of tune. I didn’t know it; I just started writing songs. – Brittany Howard
Charlie Haden I always told the people at Cal Arts that if they wanted me to do Jazz studies, first of all, there couldn’t be a big band within 500 miles and that I could do what I wanted to do. And they said I could. – Charlie Haden
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