Margaux Hemingway My name? Of course it helps. If you’ve got it, use it. I’m proud of it, for sure. – Margaux Hemingway Helps Quotes If you are at one with your body, then you are at one with yourself. I remember being really poor until I got my first $250,000 check from Faberge. That was pretty nice; I put it in the bank, and from that moment on, there seemed to be a lot of champagne and limousines in my life.
J Michael BishopMedical I entered Harvard Medical School knowing nothing of research. – J Michael Bishop
Petina Gappah A novelist, poet and playwright who writes equally well in Shona and English, Charles Mungoshi is Zimbabwe’s finest and most versatile writer. His life project has been to interrogate the notion of family. – Petina Gappah
Jeff Van Gundy Why is UCLA and Georgia Tech in China to play a basketball game? Missing all that school, and then force-feeding their fans the idea of ‘student-athletes.’ – Jeff Van Gundy
Larry Hogan I’m not going to roll back anything. Nothing is going to change with respect to reproductive rights. – Larry Hogan
George Vecsey When Sweden’s Jan-Ove Waldner travels to China to play table tennis, he is mobbed when he leaves his hotel as if he were a rock star walking around Manhattan or a soccer star walking around Europe. – George Vecsey
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