Doug Liman My older brother took me to Woody Allen double features when I was still teething. – Doug Liman Allen Quotes Brother Quotes Double Quotes Features Quotes Teething Quotes Woody Quotes From a production point of view, I still have one foot firmly planted in the independent film world, and much of the shooting on ‘Jumper’ was done ‘Swingers’-style because that was the only way we could afford to do it. The thing about TV is it’s a meritocracy. I love that aspect of it – and I’ve had shows that have gone on the air and been canceled. I’ve seen the good and the bad of it.
Howard Stringer Japan can’t get anything on the market very cheaply because it has a large, relatively highly paid workforce which you can’t fire. – Howard Stringer
Brandon Stanton I was making projections about ‘Humans of New York,’ back when I had zero followers, that made all my friends and family roll their eyes. I’d throw out these huge numbers: ‘One day, a million people are gonna be looking at this. Trust me.’ And even those wild, wild numbers I was throwing out have just been smashed. So, it’s a good feeling. – Brandon Stanton
James Toback You will never convince anyone to do anything unless you believe it should be done. – James Toback
Irwin Redlener Nuclear terrorism is possible – it may be probable – but is survivable. – Irwin Redlener
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