Lisa Loeb My overnight success was really 15 years in the making. I’d been writing songs since I was 6 and playing in bands and performing since I was 14. – Lisa Loeb Bands Quotes Overnight Quotes Performing Quotes Playing Quotes Songs Quotes Success Quotes Writing Quotes There’s a variety and depth to the song topics I get to write about in children’s music and books: being able to write about things I wouldn’t normally write about, like a disappointing pancake, or monsters or opposite day is really different than writing about heartbreak and relationships. A friend of mine once told me that I can’t screw up when I play my own music. I also take voice lessons, play other peoples’ songs out of music books, and occasionally figure out how to play other people’s music from records. This keeps my ears, fingers, and mind working.
Bhushan Kumar Using a smartphone for long hours is stressful, bad for the eyes and overall health. But a smartphone is a necessity today. You cannot do without it. – Bhushan Kumar
Richa Chadha Because Bollywood reflects society, we are all living in a society. We are not a special entity. So whatever prejudices society has for us, we carry into the films. – Richa Chadha
NatureRichard P FeynmanTechnology For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled. – Richard P Feynman
Natalie Massenet I always thought I looked kind of like Keith Richards, and sometimes I think I look like Michael Jackson in his mug shot. But as I think Keith Richards is pretty great-looking, I’m embracing that part of me. – Natalie Massenet
E O Wilson Blind faith, no matter how passionately expressed, will not suffice. Science for its part will test relentlessly every assumption about the human condition. – E O Wilson
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