Rick Moranis My own personal taste in films as a member of the audience was not completely in line with films I was doing. – Rick Moranis Audience Quotes Completely Quotes Films Quotes Personal Quotes Taste Quotes I’m not good at making plans, because I never have been. I never do things with an idea of where they may wind up. Well, whether it’s on film or on TV, you don’t want to throw too many curves at your audio and video guys.
Asa Hutchinson If we’re talking about big-tent thinking in the Republican Party, I think we’re all going to unite under a consistent economic theory. That’s where our unity is, and that’s what unites us. – Asa Hutchinson
David Crystal There’s an old little jingle: ‘The chief use of slang is to show that you’re one of the gang.’ What that means is that every social group has its own linguistic bonding mechanism. If there’s a group of lawyers, they have their own slang. If there’s a group of doctors, they have their own slang, and so on. – David Crystal
Jeffrey R Immelt You can stay too long in a job, that’s for sure. But by the same token, in the 12 years I have been CEO of GE, there have been four CEOs of Toshiba. So there’s too short a time to do it, and there’s too long a time to do it. – Jeffrey R Immelt
Murray Head It doesn’t suffice to knock the state, to destroy the ideals. Something has to replace those ideals if they’re taken away. – Murray Head
Megan Phelps-Roper My friends on Twitter didn’t abandon their beliefs or their principles – only their scorn. They channeled their infinitely justifiable offense and came to me with pointed questions tempered with kindness and humor. They approached me as a human being, and that was more transformative than two full decades of outrage, disdain, and violence. – Megan Phelps-Roper
Maurice Allais It is understandable that the Fed injects cash to avoid the collapse of the stock market, but basically it is bad policy for monetary authorities to intervene to save speculators from bankruptcy. This is not their role. – Maurice Allais
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