Monique Roffey My parents had a long and eventful marriage and were always a bit like movie stars to me when they were young. – Monique Roffey Bit Quotes Eventful Quotes Marriage Quotes Movie Quotes Parents Quotes Stars Quotes Trinidad’s language is a fusion of English, African, and French, and so we have our own words and even our own dictionary. Steupse is a common local word, and it’s the onomatopoeic word for the sound people make to show disapproval, or to show they are vexed, when they suck their teeth together. The romantic idealism of my youth has been replaced with realism and hard work at what I love.
Jon Lovitz You’re in front of an audience, but you’re playing for a camera. There’s this huge adrenaline rush, because you know that besides the audience in the studio, there are millions of people watching at home. – Jon Lovitz
Howard SternRelationship If you’re a Christian you don’t sit there and worry about what somebody else is doing, if they’re happy and they’re committed in a relationship. – Howard Stern
Anthony Carmona You must stand for something! It does not have to be grand, but it must be a positive that brings light to someone else’s darkness. – Anthony Carmona
Michael Connelly I think there has to be an empathic strike between the reader and the protagonist. There has to be something said or known that connects the reader to this person you’re going to ride through the story with. – Michael Connelly
Pete Dunne NXT has been great to me. I love being able to wrestle the way I want to wrestle and be who I want to be. NXT is this amazing platform to do that. – Pete Dunne
Ken Berry It used to be my ambition to emulate Fred Astaire on the stage and in motion picture musicals. – Ken Berry
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