Summer Rae My parents have been my biggest influencers. They both immigrated to America and taught me that I can do anything I dream of with hard work and determination. – Summer Rae America Quotes Biggest Quotes Determination Quotes Dream Quotes Hard Quotes Immigrated Quotes Influencers Quotes Parents Quotes Taught Quotes I was the first woman in WWE to ever be in a WWE Studios movie and was honored to be trusted with such an opportunity. The WWE universe is unlike any other group of people.
Peter Berg We will play football. We will box and play lacrosse and ice hockey and snowboard and surf and drive fast cars, climb trees, and do dozens of things that we know are potentially concussive. We will do this because we are human and animals, and we like speed and contact and aggressive maneuvering and all such things. – Peter Berg
Apollonius of Tyana Plato said that virtue has no master. If a person does not honor this principle and rejoice in it, but is purchasable for money, he creates many masters for himself. – Apollonius of Tyana
Helen Baxendale If I’m on a beach I’m the one to find the ammonite, or in a field I’ll find the four-leaf clover. – Helen Baxendale
Richard Price If I can tell you the story from beginning to end in five minutes, I’m ready to start writing. Then it’s a constant spreading out of that five minutes. – Richard Price
Chiwetel Ejiofor I am struck by how, walking down the street, I’m rarely made aware of my race, but that among journalists, race is absolutely massive. – Chiwetel Ejiofor
Mary Beard People who exploit others come to spend an enormous amount of energy wondering about and justifying that exploitation. – Mary Beard
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