Donna Strickland My PhD project was actually doing something that required a high-intensity laser. It was supposed to work in a way that many, many photons of light would interact with an atom all at the same time. – Donna Strickland Atom Quotes Highintensity Quotes Interact Quotes Laser Quotes Light Quotes Phd Quotes Photons Quotes Project Quotes Required Quotes Supposed Quotes Time Quotes What the ultrafast laser does is that because it doesn’t have to just cut from the surface, it’s only at the intense focal point that it does this damage where the electrons come off the atoms, you could actually put your laser and scan it over your cornea and it would cut underneath that. I mean I certainly tell the Maria Goeppert-Mayer story and I’m happy that life isn’t like that. I’m glad there were trailblazers like her and Marie Curie.
Evan DavisFunny Being funny, it turns out, is like being a bank. It’s a confidence trick. As long as everyone believes in you, you are fine. – Evan Davis
Chris Kamara I always have a bet at the start of each season, looking at the teams and the squads. I know there’s a big element of unpredictability but if you’ve got your financial structure sorted out you’ve got a chance. – Chris Kamara
Markieff Morris Any time you score all the touchdowns, you’re going to be the best player. – Markieff Morris
Andrea Seigel The first time I ever heard professional actors delivering lines that I wrote was completely surreal and was just a gigantic moment in my life. It was just a little bit mind-blowing and completely strange to have something that had been on my computer being said out loud. – Andrea Seigel
Jonathan Davis When I listen to music, I don’t want to hear about flowers. I like death and destruction. – Jonathan Davis
Akhmad KadyrovFamily I grew up in a very religious family. I could read the Qu’ran easily at the age of five. – Akhmad Kadyrov
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