Luis Suarez My record shows that I’m not the kind of player who wants to change clubs every season, and I would have no problem playing in England for many more years. – Luis Suarez Change Quotes Clubs Quotes England Quotes Player Quotes Playing Quotes Record Quotes Season Quotes When I was a kid, I had to fight for everything. I was asked a question: ‘Would I want to play for Madrid?’ It’s like anyone asked if they want to change jobs and move to a bigger company.
Mary Ellen Mark Every photograph is the photographer’s opinion about something. It’s how they feel about something: what they think is horrible, tragic, funny. – Mary Ellen Mark
Brian MastEnvironmental Treasure Coast residents know all too well about the crippling impact on both the quality-of-life and economy when environmental disaster strikes. – Brian Mast
Bradley Wright-Phillips I always liked fashion. I like to dress up on days off – the weekend and go out – I have a friend that worked in a hat shop in Soho, and he came to me and asked me to design a logo and a hat. I did and I showed it to him and he loved it. – Bradley Wright-Phillips
Daniel Day-Lewis One of the great privileges of having grown up in a middle-class literary English household, but having gone to school in the front lines in Southeast London, was that I became half-street-urchin and half-good-boy at home. I knew that dichotomy was possible. – Daniel Day-Lewis
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