Marne Levine My second child came in September 2008, and I joined the Obama transition team in November. I was part of the group that opened the White House doors on Inauguration Day. And then I basically didn’t leave for two years. – Marne Levine Basically Quotes Child Quotes Day Quotes Doors Quotes House Quotes Inauguration Quotes Joined Quotes Leave Quotes November Quotes Obama Quotes September Quotes Team Quotes Transition Quotes White Quotes Video is just exploding on Instagram – motion is the new filter. We’re going to help people use visuals to tell their stories. My senior project was about solid-waste management. They nicknamed me ‘Trash Queen’.
T C Boyle I tell jokes, and I have fun, but I tend to worry about everybody and everything throughout the entire world. – T C Boyle
Angela Duckworth As our knees and hips and eyesight deteriorate, we become more dependable, less impulsive, kinder, and less moody. Psychologists call this the maturity principle. My own life experience fits this principle to a T. – Angela Duckworth
Claudia Jessie After my audition for ‘Bridgerton,’ I put it out there to the universe, and I bought the book. I was like, ‘Right. If I commit, then I’ll get the job.’ And it worked. – Claudia Jessie
N K Jemisin Within the sphere of steampunk, there seems to be a rapidly growing subsphere of gadgetless ‘neo-Victorian’ novels, most of which attempt to recapture the romance of the era without all the sociopolitical ugliness. – N K Jemisin
Jeannie Mai Holey Moley’ is the funnest, craziest, most extreme miniature golf series you will ever experience. It was insane. If you’ve ever played miniature golf, this is unlike everything you’ve experienced. – Jeannie Mai
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