Lynda Barry My strips are not always funny, and they can be pretty grim at times, and I know I lose readers because of it, but I can’t do anything about it – my work is very much connected to something I need to do in order to feel stable. – Lynda Barry Connected Quotes Feel Quotes Funny Quotes Grim Quotes Lose Quotes Pretty Quotes Readers Quotes Stable Quotes Strips Quotes Times Quotes It’s not hard for me to be funny in front of people, but most of that is just horrified nerves taking the form of what makes people laugh, and afterwards I’d always feel dreadfully depressed, kind of self-induced bi-polar disorder. I tried to be like the richer kids as much as I could because I wanted to live on their streets, at least hang out on their streets and eat their amazing food and walk barefoot on their shag carpets. I became something of a pest in that way, and in general, other people’s parents didn’t like me.
Robin Zander I’m a casual F1 racing fan. I’m probably more of a stock car, NASCAR guy. – Robin Zander
Matt Taibbi The average Tea Partier is sincerely against government spending – with the exception of the money spent on them. – Matt Taibbi
Sidharth Malhotra I’d like to have a different look for every film. As an actor, I think I should put more emphasis on my performance than on my looks. – Sidharth Malhotra
Chris Kilham Coffee, one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, contains a plethora of naturally-occurring compounds, including several classes of antioxidants. – Chris Kilham
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