Dylan McDermott My theory about actors is we’re all walking milk cartons. Expirations dates everywhere. – Dylan McDermott Actors Quotes Cartons Quotes Dates Quotes Expirations Quotes Milk Quotes Theory Quotes Walking Quotes It’s like, no matter what I do, I always feel like I’m five years old, and I end up in the back of my father’s car looking out the window, and nothing has changed in 25 years. Never wear plaid.
Sadie Sink There was one time during my busiest month when I went into school, and they were like, ‘Sadie, where’s your calculator? The PSAT is today.’ I was like, ‘The what?’ Luckily, it was the practice one, but I still had to text my dad and get him to bring me my graphing calculator. – Sadie Sink
Lynn Jurich Homeowners want solar power. It’s cost-effective. We invented a business model that makes it really easy for consumers to switch to solar – and that’s solar-as-a-service. – Lynn Jurich
Mario Kempes I think players of the national team are not entitled to make an opinion about who is making the team and who is not. At least in my days it was like that. – Mario Kempes
Ann Nocenti I like talking about comic book process, and one of the things is that I have plans going ahead for years, and the plans constantly get thrown away and shifted. There’s a difference between planning and what actually happens in life, and comics have a life of their own. – Ann Nocenti
Chip Kidd I think too many comic book covers are way too busy, crammed with far too much information, both visual and verbal, that just becomes a dull noise. – Chip Kidd
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