Ashwin Sanghi My wife is troubled by the things I forget. I am troubled by the things she recollects. – Ashwin Sanghi Forget Quotes Recollects Quotes Troubled Quotes Wife Quotes Combine two words, Myth and History. What do you get? Mystery. I was always taught that book keeping was more relevant than book reading. The only thing worth reading was meant to be a balance sheet.
Luis Walter Alvarez Janet Landis came to work in my group in the summer of 1957 when our first bubble-chamber was churning out its earliest pictures. – Luis Walter Alvarez
Gisele Bundchen I cannot put this poison on my skin. I do not use anything synthetic. – Gisele Bundchen
Octavia Spencer If you go through life, and you don’t find the beauty in an unexpected place, then you really have a sad existence. – Octavia Spencer
Anne Murray I learned all I have to do is sing the best music I know how and put on the best show I know how and just relax with it and people enjoy it. – Anne Murray
Judy Biggert As children, many of us were taught never to talk to strangers. As parents and grandparents, our message must change with technology to include strangers on the Internet. – Judy Biggert
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