Jane Leavy Naming is a privilege of reason and the province of bullies. We name to tame and to maim; to honor the great, the dead, and ourselves. – Jane Leavy Bullies Quotes Dead Quotes Honor Quotes Maim Quotes Naming Quotes Privilege Quotes Province Quotes Reason Quotes Tame Quotes For Mantle, the Yankees’ locker room was a sanctuary, a safe haven where he was understood, accepted and, when necessary, exonerated. Trauma fractures comprehension as a pebble shatters a windshield. The wound at the site of impact spreads across the field of vision, obscuring reality and challenging belief.
ComputersShai Agassi You can’t have thousands of cars without good computers on the electric grid. – Shai Agassi
Scarlett Johansson I would never knowingly go into a film that I wouldn’t pay to see, or something that didn’t challenge me. – Scarlett Johansson
Kay Panabaker I spend so much time with my parents. My mom and I were joined at the hip for five years. There was not one moment when I wasn’t with her. – Kay Panabaker
Michael Chiesa My father worked very hard and he never missed a day of work, no matter how sick he was. – Michael Chiesa
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