Park Geun-hye National partition is a sorrow that touches all Koreans, but for me it is brought to the fore by unimaginable personal suffering. – Park Geun-hye Brought Quotes Fore Quotes Koreans Quotes National Quotes Partition Quotes Personal Quotes Sorrow Quotes Suffering Quotes Touches Quotes Unimaginable Quotes I have no family to take care of. My father’s biggest achievement was to motivate the South Korean people, to show them we could become prosperous if we worked hard. He taught me to love my country, and serve my country.
Princess Michael of Kent Breakfast is served on my Herend china and I sit in an old armchair so I can read the papers. – Princess Michael of Kent
Brian Chesky The American dream, what we were taught was, grow up, own a car, own a house. I think that dream’s completely changing. We were taught to keep up with the Joneses. Now we’re sharing with the Joneses. – Brian Chesky
Rudy Ruettiger Getting what you want is only a problem if you have nowhere to go next. – Rudy Ruettiger
George Galloway Henry Kissinger is the greatest living war criminal in the world today, with the blood of millions of people in Vietnam and Cambodia and Laos and Chile and East Timor on his hands. He will never appear in a court or be behind bars. – George Galloway
Garrett Hardin Indeed, our particular concept of private property, which deters us from exhausting the positive resources of the earth, favors pollution. – Garrett Hardin
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