Alex Shoumatoff Nature got it right with the cranes. They have been around since the Eocene, which ended 34 million years ago. – Alex Shoumatoff Cranes Quotes Eocene Quotes Nature Quotes Elephants are not human, of course. They are something much more ancient and primordial, living on a different plane of existence. Long before we arrived on the scene, they worked out a way of being in the world that has not fundamentally changed and is sustainable, and not predatory or destructive. Trump has got to be one of the most branded people on the planet. You can’t get away from him.
Matthew Desmond When I want to understand a problem, I want to understand it from the ground level. – Matthew Desmond
Jeff Bauman I know exactly when my life changed: when I looked into the face of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. It was 2:48 P. M. on April 15, 2013 – one minute before the most high profile terrorist event on United States soil since September 11th – and he was standing right beside me. – Jeff Bauman
Robert Benchley A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down. – Robert Benchley
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