John Tyler Nature governs man by no principle more fixed than that which leads him to pursue his interest. – John Tyler Fixed Quotes Governs Quotes Leads Quotes Nature Quotes Principle Quotes Pursue Quotes Wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of industry and the savings of frugality. I can never consent to being dictated to.
Ashley Greene Skinny jeans are usually my go to jean. I do bootleg every once in a while, boyfriend jeans I feel like are so hard to pull off! Skinny jeans are very easy and you can kind of pair anything with them and it will work: heels and boots or nice top or flouncy top. – Ashley Greene
Ferdinand Mount It’s true that I’m taking a break from writing a regular column to do other things but it’s got nothing to do with what dear Simon has or has not written. – Ferdinand Mount
Jude Law You heard it from the heart, you saw it in their eyes. Then I got used to the fact that I couldn’t feel my fingers and my feet. That for me was the essence of the battle. – Jude Law
Paula Radcliffe I deliberately returned slowly to training after Raphael was born and everything, apart from being bitten by a dog whilst out training in Monaco at the beginning of the year, has gone pretty well. – Paula Radcliffe
Atif Aslam I don’t consider myself to be a great musician, but my first album was a record hit in Pakistan. – Atif Aslam
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