Philip Morrison Neither our oceans nor our radar nor our fighters can keep us intact through another major war. – Philip Morrison Fighters Quotes Intact Quotes Major Quotes Oceans Quotes Radar Quotes War Quotes We did not speak in terms of strategy, in terms of overall economies, in terms of production and territorial conquest. We spoke of the impact of the bomb on the homes and the hopes of men and women. My piece in One World or None was the description of the effect of a single atomic bomb on New York City.
Georgia Salpa My top beauty tip is to drink lots of water. It might sound lame, but it works. – Georgia Salpa
Scott Garrett I said I support anyone’s right to run for public office and will support those people who support positions that’s in the Republican platform. – Scott Garrett
Albert Schweitzer Anyone who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly, even if they roll a few stones upon it. – Albert Schweitzer
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