John Lasseter Never in the history of cinema has a medium entertained an audience. It’s what you do with the medium. – John Lasseter Audience Quotes Cinema Quotes Entertained Quotes History Quotes Medium Quotes I believe in the nobility of entertaining people and I take great, great pride that people are willing to give me two or three hours of their busy lives. Sure, they were simple desk lamps with only a minimal amount of movement, but you could immediately tell that Luxo Jr. was a baby, and that the big one was his mother. In that short little film, computer animation went from a novelty to a serious tool for filmmaking.
Chrissy Teigen People are still under the misguided impression that models don’t eat. Not sure about the other girls, but I do! – Chrissy Teigen
Daniel Cameron It was hard to imagine a little boy who looked like me could someday help a president confirm a Supreme Court justice, or even run for attorney general. But here we are. – Daniel Cameron
Ayman Odeh Arabs don’t have to be the victims of the Jewish war between Lieberman and Netanyahu. – Ayman Odeh
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