Jean de La Fontaine Never sell the bear’s skin before one has killed the beast. – Jean de La Fontaine Bears Quotes Beast Quotes Killed Quotes Sell Quotes Skin Quotes I bend and do not break. Nothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is to be preferred.
LeadershipMargaret J Wheatley I believe that the capacity that any organisation needs is for leadership to appear anywhere it is needed, when it is needed. – Margaret J Wheatley
Eli Roth I think that many people are ashamed when they feel afraid. There’s this thing in our society that you’re not allowed to feel scared. You have to be a man and put on a brave face, but we all have fears. – Eli Roth
Phil Collins I have never been a Conservative, or at least not since being a young teenager. My father voted Conservative, and even his doing that was a hangover from the ’50s and ’60s, which may have been an influence on me. – Phil Collins
David F Houston The duty of the individual farmer, at this time, is to increase his production, particularly of food crops. – David F Houston
Sheri L Dew I had a lot of friends who were boys. I played ball with them, but we didn’t date. They didn’t ask me that much because I wasn’t cute enough or because I didn’t drink or party. – Sheri L Dew
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