John Prine Never wear your necktie while you’re operating a lathe. – John Prine Lathe Quotes Necktie Quotes Operating Quotes Wear Quotes I feel basically good about my career because it’s remained constant. What I do has never been especially in vogue or gotten high on the charts. At the same time, I haven’t had to stop performing any of my music because it aged in style. I embraced loneliness as a kid. I know what loneliness is. When you’re at the end of your rope. I never forget those feelings.
Gilbert Arenas I don’t play roulette, but it’s funny: whenever somebody I know is going to Vegas, I’m like, ‘Put it on black.’ – Gilbert Arenas
Neil Patrick Harris As an actor, you most often play relatively average parts, so to get to play extreme versions of anything, those are the most exciting parts. – Neil Patrick Harris
Sheryl Sandberg What about the rat race in the first place? Is it worthwhile? Or are you just buying into someone else’s definition of success? Only you can decide that, and you’ll have to decide it over and over and over. But if you think it’s a rat race, before you drop out, take a deep breath. Maybe you picked the wrong job. Try again. And then try again. – Sheryl Sandberg
Robert Hughes Landscape is to American painting what sex and psychoanalysis are to the American novel. – Robert Hughes
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