David Hasselhoff Ninety-nine percent of people now call me The Hoff – and it’s out of respect. – David Hasselhoff Hoff Quotes Ninetynine Quotes People Quotes Percent Quotes Respect Quotes The problem with me is that nothing embarrasses me. I think people know that I’ve got a good heart.
Jonathan Carroll Even the handsomest men do not have the same momentary effect on the world as a truly beautiful woman does. – Jonathan Carroll
Hilary Duff I love that Euro-pop dance music, but with girl power. I also listen to Janis Joplin and Bob Dylan. I have a Beatles song tattooed on my foot. I’m all over the place. – Hilary Duff
Dustin Hoffman So when I told my parents I wanted to go into acting because I was flunking out of my first year of junior college, they were relieved that I had picked something other than joining the army. But I can’t imagine how they had high hopes for me. – Dustin Hoffman
LoveSangram Singh Whatever I am today is all because of the love and support I have received from the people of Haryana. – Sangram Singh
Florentijn Hofman The Internet is fascinating but also stupid in a way. You only see two-dimensional images, and you think you’ve seen it and know it. – Florentijn Hofman
Jack Dee I don’t like men who blow-dry their hair. If you are a man and you blow-dry your hair, then I don’t like you and that’s all there is to it. – Jack Dee
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