Ricky Hatton No. 1 career highlight? It would have to be getting the MBE from Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace. – Ricky Hatton Buckingham Quotes Career Quotes Charles Quotes Highlight Quotes Mbe Quotes Palace Quotes Prince Quotes The high of victory in the ring was bigger than the biggest party. You’d get in the ring and hear thousands of fans chanting your name and I’d be giving it all back for them. No. 1 career highlight? It would have to be getting the MBE from Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace.
Bhavish Aggarwal Not all of Microsoft’s businesses are successful, but they have every technology possible. – Bhavish Aggarwal
Frank Ocean My grandfather was smart and had a whole lot of pride. He didn’t speak a terrible amount, but you could tell there was a ton on his mind – like a quiet acceptance of how life had turned out. – Frank Ocean
Stephen Chbosky I want to be an author/director and I’m writing my second book now and I want to make a movie of it, and I hope I get to do this for the rest of my life. – Stephen Chbosky
Ryan Sessegnon Growing up, we were very similar, but Steven got a bad injury. It set him back a year. But for that, we would have progressed at the same time. – Ryan Sessegnon
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