John Doolittle No amount of time will weaken our allegiance to avenging those lost in the horrible attacks. America has a sharp memory, a firm resolve, and a commitment to her own. – John Doolittle Allegiance Quotes America Quotes Attacks Quotes Avenging Quotes Commitment Quotes Firm Quotes Horrible Quotes Lost Quotes Memory Quotes Resolve Quotes Sharp Quotes Time Quotes Weaken Quotes I extend my deepest gratitude to our Armed Forces and first responders serving both at home and abroad in the war against terrorism. The last four years have not diluted the memory or weakened the resolve of our citizens. Four years later, our hearts still hurt for the families whose loved ones were murdered that day.
Lana Del Rey When I found somebody who I fell in love with, it made me feel different than I felt the rest of the day. It was electrifying. That’s what inspired the ‘Off to the Races’ melodies. That’s one of the times when you’re feeling electrified by someone else and they make you happy to be alive. – Lana Del Rey
Christopher Walken I’ve been to Chicago a lot – it’s one of my favorite places. My wife is from Chicago, and I worked in the theater there a lot. – Christopher Walken
Jill Greenberg Making children cry for a photographer can be considered mean. But I would say that making children laugh and show off their jeans for an apparel ad is just as exploitative and less natural. Toddlers’ natural state, like, 30 percent of the time, is crying, and it doesn’t indicate pain or suffering. – Jill Greenberg
Eric Ripert When you are 25, 30, you know, you have no responsibility, no mortgage, no kids, no retirement to think about, nothing. – Eric Ripert
David Boies Napster’s only alleged liability is for contributory or vicarious infringement. So when Napster’s users engage in noncommercial sharing of music, is that activity copyright infringement? No. – David Boies
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