Jason Kander No matter how many times the court shuts them down or how many Americans speak out to defend their rights, Republican politicians who stand to gain from suppressing voters won’t back down. They’ll only change their tactics. – Jason Kander Americans_ Quotes Change Quotes Court Quotes Defend Quotes Gain Quotes Matter Quotes Politicians Quotes Republican Quotes Rights Quotes Shuts Quotes Speak Quotes Stand Quotes Suppressing Quotes Tactics Quotes Times Quotes Voters Quotes I’ll be working every day to help elect voting rights champions in Missouri and around the country. My experience in uniform has shaped my life and informed who I am like no other, and it’s difficult for me to wrap my mind around the idea that I will no longer be a soldier.
AmazingBill Sienkiewicz So much of ‘Jaws’ was amazing because the mind filled in what was missing. – Bill Sienkiewicz
Paul Rust The thing that I get most excited about is that it does feel like a new realm of storytelling is being created before everybody’s eyes. You can do something that’s not exactly a movie and not exactly a TV show, something in between. – Paul Rust
Clea Duvall My senior year I was basically supporting myself, so it was like, Do you want to eat and pay the rent, or do you want to go to school? I wanted to eat and pay the rent. – Clea Duvall
James Veitch I’ve sent thousands of emails – the conversations in the book are just the success stories. – James Veitch
Douglas Tompkins I have even begun to think that I am caring for Argentina and Chile perhaps more than Argentines and Chileans. I feel like I’m sort of a de facto citizen, because I am looking after their national patrimony – which is the land – very carefully. – Douglas Tompkins
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