Nick Hanauer No matter how wealthy a few plutocrats get, we can never drive a great national economy. Only a thriving middle class can do that. – Nick Hanauer Class Quotes Drive Quotes Economy Quotes Matter Quotes Middle Quotes National Quotes Plutocrats Quotes Thriving Quotes Wealthy Quotes The most insidious thing about trickle-down economics is not the claim that if the rich get richer, everyone is better off. It is the claim made by those who oppose any increase in the minimum wage that if the poor get richer, that will be bad for the economy. This is nonsense. We plutocrats need to get this trickle-down economics thing behind us: this idea that the better we do, the better everyone else will do. It’s not true. How could it be? I earn 1,000 times the median wage, but I do not buy 1,000 times as much stuff, do I?
Reza Aslan The more I started studying the historical Jesus, the man who lived 2,000 years ago… the more I started to realize that there was this chasm between the historical Jesus and the Jesus that I had been taught about in church. – Reza Aslan
Jennifer Palmieri My dad was a Republican. My mom – my mom was mostly a Republican, although she voted for McGovern over Nixon. She was really proud of that. She also did, however, work for Trent Lott. – Jennifer Palmieri
Robert Cailliau Because I’m a synesthete I see characters in colors and I perceive a W as green. – Robert Cailliau
Axl Rose I sing in five or six different voices that are all part of me. It’s not contrived. – Axl Rose
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