Robert Adams No place is boring, if you’ve had a good night’s sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film. – Robert Adams Boring Quotes Film Quotes Nights Quotes Pocket Quotes Sleep Quotes Unexposed Quotes I began making pictures because I wanted to record what supports hope: the untranslatable mystery and beauty of the world. Along the way, however, the camera also caught evidence against hope, and I eventually concluded that this, too, belonged in pictures if they were to be truthful and thus useful. You can’t talk about life without talking about politics. You have to have both. If you’re just a political person, you’re going to burn out. If you, as an artist, are just focused inward, you’re going to eventually be irrelevant.
Enda Kenny We’ll look after our hospitals. We’ll look after our schools. We’ll look after our infrastructure. – Enda Kenny
Alexander Gilkes I’m a big believer in manners and respect: that one should never do to another what you wouldn’t wish for yourself. – Alexander Gilkes
Chris Smalling Obviously with a knee injury there are certain protocols that need to happen. – Chris Smalling
Norman Vincent Peale Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds. – Norman Vincent Peale
Frankie Grande I definitely take influences from my idols David Bowie and Billy Joel. I’ve combined them with the Frankie Grande-isms that I’ve cultivated over singing every night for two shows a week for four years on Broadway. – Frankie Grande
Abby Elliott There are some different things I’m writing and developing, but I don’t know where they’ll go. They’re fun stuff that I would be in and are written in my voice, for me. – Abby Elliott
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