Jane Pauley Nobody calls me silly. That is not a word that applies to me. – Jane Pauley Applies Quotes Calls Quotes Silly Quotes Word Quotes I am not one of the great journalists of my time. I have been fiercely private, in part because I could never understand how a journalist could be otherwise. I was also the mother of small children, and security concerns were paramount.
Gretel Ehrlich People travel and hunt on the sea ice – in Alaska, they hunt in skin boats for bowhead whales; in Greenland, they hunt with dogsleds. The ice is their highway. The ice is also the ecosystem in which marine mammals and terrestrial animals such as polar bears exist. – Gretel Ehrlich
Ang LeeDesign Summer blockbusters are very expensive to make. They have things that have to be expensive, such as 600 effects shots or CG characters that have to go a certain way, or a film design that is different but expensive. – Ang Lee
FutureKen Robinson What you’re doing now, or have done in the past, need not determine what you can do next and in the future. – Ken Robinson
Shaquill Griffin I remember my second year, in the playoff game in Dallas, I remember every play that happened. I remembered giving up a back-shoulder fade in the end zone, scoring. – Shaquill Griffin
Ben Hopkins I think that our work and our music stands on its own without this knowledge about our identity around it. But I also think that we very consciously decided not to hold back that part of ourselves, but to be very vocal about who we are, kind of what experiences we’ve had in life, and how we identify. – Ben Hopkins
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