Spencer Dinwiddie Nobody gets to the league and is awful. Some people are more built to be good in this than others, right, but at the end of the day, when people are like, ‘Yo, you got great overnight,’ I’m like, ‘That doesn’t really make too much sense.’ – Spencer Dinwiddie Awful Quotes Built Quotes Day Quotes League Quotes Overnight Quotes People Quotes Sense Quotes Yo Quotes Everything is a process. If I hit a game-winning shot, right, and I run back down the court and shake my teammates hands, it’s because I expected to make it. Because I’ve practiced or I feel I’ve worked harder than everybody else. So why would I then go nuts, go crazy if I expected to do that? People don’t understand that part about me.
Louie Schwartzberg I’m Jewish and respect the traditions of Judaism, but through all the time I’ve spent photographing nature, I also have a deep appreciation for the power of the universe. No, not the power of the universe, but just celebrating life. – Louie Schwartzberg
BeautyLiz Goldwyn I mix all different oils – my bathroom at home is littered with oils; I’m really into natural beauty and natural healing. Peppermint is really good if you put it on your stomach for a tummy ache; lavender is kind of all-purpose – I think everyone should carry it. – Liz Goldwyn
Evan Hunter I enjoy what I do every minute of the day, even when the going gets tough. When I first began writing, I used to work at a desk in the bedroom, of a small development house. My three sons all under the age of 3 would come running in and out of the room every minute. – Evan Hunter
Kellie Pickler I don’t talk to myself or anything, but sometimes I say things and I laugh at myself. Sometimes you have to make fun of yourself. – Kellie Pickler
Cameron Diaz Personally, I don’t like watching violence. I’d much rather see more skin. – Cameron Diaz
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