Edmund White Nobody in France would ever say ‘He’s a Jewish novelist’ or ‘She’s a black novelist,’ even though people do write about those subjects. It would look absurd to a French person to go into a bookstore and see a ‘Gay Studies’ section. – Edmund White Absurd Quotes Black Quotes Bookstore Quotes France Quotes French Quotes Gay Quotes Jewish Quotes Novelist Quotes People Quotes Person Quotes Studies Quotes Subjects Quotes Write Quotes Paradoxically, since gay men rarely have gay parents, cultural transmission must come from friends or strangers (a problem since the generations so seldom mix in gay life). America thrives on identity politics, left and right. But France is opposed to the idea. Since the Revolution, the French have enthroned the idea of universalism. All of us must be equal before the law as abstract individuals, and that extends to the arts.
Nick Cave I am not interested in anything that doesn’t have a genuine heart to it. You’ve got to have soul in the hole. If that isn’t there, I don’t see the point. – Nick Cave
Cyrus Broacha I have a great desire to serve humanity without ever actually getting off my chair. – Cyrus Broacha
Markwayne Mullin I’m working alongside the White House and other members in the House to lessen the tax burden that currently weighs on so many Oklahomans. – Markwayne Mullin
John Schneider It seems like people are more likely to tell you you’ve gotten too thin than to tell you you’ve gotten too fat. – John Schneider
Mia Wasikowska With both acting and ballet, often you can’t just choose when you do it, whereas a painter can go at his own pace. – Mia Wasikowska
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