Nadya Suleman Nobody lives happily ever after, because that is extremely unrealistic. – Nadya Suleman Extremely Quotes Happily Quotes Lives Quotes Unrealistic Quotes I have PTSD from all the reporters coming in over the years. I’m damned if I do what I need to do with the media to support my kids, and I’m damned if I don’t. If I don’t, I can’t take care of them.
Letitia James The status quo is clearly broken, and we must strive for bigger, bolder solutions that will provide New Yorkers with the support they need to remain in their homes. – Letitia James
Pam Shriver I love women’s tennis, and I want it to do well. But I don’t want to pander. I don’t have to be warm and fuzzy. I just want to be respected. – Pam Shriver
Debbie Ford What I would say to anybody facing any life challenge or disease is that that is courage – to choose life, to keep looking at what’s good. – Debbie Ford
Philip Schultz I’d grown accustomed to seeing myself as someone who, if fallible and unworthy, had nevertheless managed to do one thing well enough to get recognition for it. – Philip Schultz
Mayim Bialik There’s a tremendous amount to be gained from being a performer, and being an artist, and being an actor. – Mayim Bialik
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