Mikhail Prokhorov Nobody was interested in me before I bought the Nets. – Mikhail Prokhorov Bought Quotes Nets Quotes Even before my parents died, I felt all the responsibility to my family. I don’t know why. In any business, any relationship, if something goes wrong, I feel I am to blame. It’s something inside me. I am addicted to sport. Without sport, I feel bad.
Bede GriffithsEasterGodKnowledge God had brought me to my knees and made me acknowledge my own nothingness, and out of that knowledge I had been reborn. I was no longer the centre of my life and therefore I could see God in everything. – Bede Griffiths
Andrew Dominik It seems like women don’t want men to be men anymore. They want men to be women. But they really don’t want what they say they want. It’s very weird. – Andrew Dominik
Ray Winstone We don’t have nannies and all that, we look after our own kids. It’s just what you do. If you want a big family that’s just what you do, isn’t it? – Ray Winstone
Irwin Shaw When I started out in the early 1930s, there were a great many magazines that published short stories. Unfortunately, the short-story market has dwindled to almost nothing. – Irwin Shaw
Benjamin E MaysDreams It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. – Benjamin E Mays
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