Jimmy Lai Nobody will have control of the media in the future, because user-generated content is going to become the major content. – Jimmy Lai Content Quotes Control Quotes Future Quotes Major Quotes Media Quotes Usergenerated Quotes As long as I’m alive, I don’t think Next Media will change. You cannot have the media so close to you that it becomes your voice. This is no good because it becomes too extreme, and people will resent it.
Anne FortierArchitecture Ever since childhood, I’ve been interested in history and myth. Not just the facts and figures of the past, but everything that contributes to shape our perception of an age: architecture, art, literature and so forth. – Anne Fortier
Madeleine M Kunin A skilled worker, regardless of the job description, remains a treasure. – Madeleine M Kunin
Anita Dobson I got extremely fit and slim on ‘Strictly,’ but I did find that, each week, a different part of my body hurt. It really makes you realise the hard work dancers have to put in and how fit they have to be. – Anita Dobson
MarriagePatricia Arquette Neither of us entered marriage thinking it wouldn’t be a strain. Life has strains in it, and he’s the person I want to strain with. – Patricia Arquette
Michael W Smith I think if the church did what they were supposed to do we wouldn’t have anyone sleeping on the streets. – Michael W Smith
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