John Fleming Now that we have the Senate and the House fully controlled by Republicans, we need to be working together. – John Fleming Controlled Quotes House Quotes Republicans Quotes Senate Quotes That’s how you win these battles over long periods of time. You continue to fight. You continue to bring it up. You continue to message it to your constituents and to America in general. We all say that we want to repeal Obamacare, and we would all love a clean, full repeal. But the truth is, sometimes it’s kind of like making sausage. You have to do it one step at a time. You’ve got to approach it from the standpoint that you make substantial gains today, and then the next opportunity, you make more.
Brandi Rhodes Often times, while filming ‘WAGS Atlanta’ with 3 male producers, we were told to dress ‘WAGGY’ for scenes, not realizing that WAG style isn’t universal! WAG style can encompass a myriad of different looks. – Brandi Rhodes
Olivia Colman My older brother, who was in the Army, now owns his own building company. My half-sister was a nurse and is now a psychotherapist. – Olivia Colman
Mitski I actually love the summer. When I went to Miami on tour, I was actually like, ‘I love this place.’ – Mitski
Mitch Daniels When business leaders ask me what they can do for Indiana, I always reply: ‘Make money. Go make money. That’s the first act of corporate citizenship. If you do that, you’ll have to hire someone else, and you’ll have enough profit to help one of those non-profits we’re so proud of.’ – Mitch Daniels
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