Hermann von Helmholtz Now, the external work of man is of the most varied kind as regards the force or ease, the form and rapidity, of the motions used on it, and the kind of work produced. – Hermann von Helmholtz Ease Quotes External Quotes Force Quotes Form Quotes Motions Quotes Produced Quotes Rapidity Quotes Varied Quotes Reason we call that faculty innate in us of discovering laws and applying them with thought. I then endeavoured to show that it is more especially in the thorough conformity with law which natural phenomena and natural products exhibit, and in the comparative ease with which laws can be stated, that this difference exists.
Raymond Queneau Ulysses finds himself unchanged, aside from his experience, at the end of his odyssey. – Raymond Queneau
Philip Schultz There is a gap in my work from ’84 to 2002, 18 years where I stopped writing. I was working at fiction and other things and starting a school and getting married and starting a family, but I wasn’t writing poetry for the better part of 15 years. – Philip Schultz
Joe Lycett The thing about Birmingham is, no one spends their evening looking over your shoulder thinking: ‘Is that Nick Grimshaw?’ and wondering if there’s a better night they could be on. Because there isn’t. – Joe Lycett
Mahima Chaudhry My struggle began after my first film, post a success, post a jubilee of so many weeks. – Mahima Chaudhry
Mario Batali Passion is what adds so much value to life. And if you think about the things that you do, there’s so much juice potential for them if you do it. – Mario Batali
John Boyle O'Reilly With the advance of feudalism came the growth of iron armor, until, at last, a fighting-man resembled an armadillo. – John Boyle O’Reilly
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