George Wald Nuclear weapons offer us nothing but a balance of terror, and a balance of terror is still terror. – George Wald Balance Quotes Nuclear Quotes Offer Quotes Terror Quotes Weapons Quotes The only use for an atomic bomb is to keep somebody else from using one. Dropping those atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a war crime.
Erin Foster Your sister knows everything to say to piss you off. But sisters tend to be each other’s biggest champion and also their hardest critics. – Erin Foster
Natalia Reyes I mean I do believe there is a responsibility of the entertainment industry in general with everything that is happening with the world, with violence and with climate change and with the stereotypes with Latinos or any community. – Natalia Reyes
Lorraine Bracco I am the boss of me. You can’t change anyone else. Women think they can. But you know what? You can’t. – Lorraine Bracco
Mitch Grassi I like to be approachable but I also like… I like to keep people at arm’s length. – Mitch Grassi
Leona Lewis At the end of the day, you should take every opportunity that comes your way. – Leona Lewis
Supriya Pathak When I was told that we are doing another series of ‘Kichidi’ my reaction was indeed as if the wish, of not only me but the audiences who loved watching the show, was fulfilled again. – Supriya Pathak
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