Aaron Klein Obama repeatedly has condemned Hamas as a terrorist organization that should be isolated until it renounces violence and recognizes Israel. – Aaron Klein Condemned Quotes Hamas Quotes Isolated Quotes Israel Quotes Obama Quotes Organization Quotes Recognizes Quotes Renounces Quotes Repeatedly Quotes Terrorist Quotes Violence Quotes In committing an estimated 3,000 U.S. forces to join international Ebola relief efforts in West Africa, President Obama seems to be fulfilling the plans of highly influential progressive groups who seek to transform the American military into more of a social-work organization. Was Sen. Barack Obama a Muslim? Did he ever practice Islam? The presidential candidate officially rejects the claims, but the issue of Obama’s personal faith has re-emerged amid conflicting accounts of his enrollment as a Muslim during elementary school in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation.
Pritam Singh I have always admired the courage of ordinary individuals to step up and speak out against injustice and tyranny. – Pritam Singh
Russell Tovey I’m slightly obsessed with drag queens and performers. Their quips and their one-liners, their style, their singing… I find it fascinating. And thoroughly entertaining. I’d love to play one. – Russell Tovey
Dan Gilbert We want to make the Cleveland Cavaliers a perennial champion and contender. We want people to be part of the franchise for long periods of time if they fit our culture, no matter who they are, whether it’s LeBron or anybody that contributes. – Dan Gilbert
Paula Cole I like women who can throw a ball and laugh loud and have some spine, and I like men who don’t mind cooking dinner. – Paula Cole
Jacqueline de Ribes The theory in great families was ‘why work if you don’t have to.’ Being a public figure was reserved for movie stars. – Jacqueline de Ribes
Fala Chen My dad and I would go to Blockbuster and look for Asian films and we could never find any. If we saw a Jackie Chan movie we would watch that because it was so comforting to see a face similar to ours. – Fala Chen
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