Jefferson Davis Obstacles may retard, but they cannot long prevent the progress of a movement sanctioned by its justice and sustained by a virtuous people. – Jefferson Davis Justice Quotes Movement Quotes Obstacles Quotes People Quotes Prevent Quotes Progress Quotes Retard Quotes Sanctioned Quotes Sustained Quotes Virtuous Quotes It was one of the compromises of the Constitution that the slave property in the Southern States should be recognized as property throughout the United States. Every one must understand that, whatever be the evil of slavery, it is not increased by its diffusion. Every one familiar with it knows that it is in proportion to its sparseness that it becomes less objectionable. Wherever there is an immediate connexion between the master and slave, whatever there is of harshness in the system is diminished.
Harriet Tubman Now I’ve been free, I know what a dreadful condition slavery is. I have seen hundreds of escaped slaves, but I never saw one who was willing to go back and be a slave. – Harriet Tubman
Paul George That’s really the biggest thing, being happy in an organization that supports you and helps you grow and a city that supports you and a training staff. – Paul George
Jurgen Klinsmann Once the World Cup preparations begin there will hardly be an opportunity to do so, since we’ll have to put all our energy into the team. We coaches have a list of priorities and dealing with the media isn’t in the top five. – Jurgen Klinsmann
Patty Jenkins Making a movie is such a huge commitment of emotion and time that I didn’t want to be beholden to doing it for money. – Patty Jenkins
Katherine Dunn Boxing gyms are more than training facilities. They are sanctuaries in bad neighborhoods for troubled kids and shrines to the traditions of the sport. The gym is home. For many, it’s the safest place they know. – Katherine Dunn
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