John Barry Occasionally, you get a nice surprise when someone covers your song in an extraordinary way. – John Barry Covers Quotes Extraordinary Quotes Nice Quotes Occasionally Quotes Song Quotes Surprise Quotes I wouldn’t know Robbie Williams if I fell over him. I never wanted to work for anybody else; I always wanted to be my own boss.
Edith Bowman My mum has an MBE and the Queen actually came to my mum and dad’s hotel for lunch with the Prince back in the 1980s. – Edith Bowman
Laura Fraser I suppose I’d always been attracted to commitment-phobes because some part of me felt unlovable. It was a lot easier to fall for a guy who I knew, on some level, wouldn’t fall in love with me. There was nothing to risk. The real risk would be to finally be vulnerable to love. – Laura Fraser
Basil Hume Behind every crucifix stands our risen Lord. Hidden in every suffering and pain is the joy of closer union with him. His is the victory. He invites us to share it. – Basil Hume
DJ Qualls The idea of sitting in a booth, and having someone pay me to sign autographs, seems so gross to me. – DJ Qualls
Arn Anderson Mike Tyson is one of those guys that for most of his career and I’m sure, he decided he was ready to quit long before he got beat. Had he just quit when he wanted to, he probably would’ve never gotten beat. He’s just a beast. I’m a huge Mike Tyson fan. You’re talking about a vicious son of a gun. – Arn Anderson
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