HerodotusMen Of all men’s miseries the bitterest is this: to know so much and to have control over nothing. – Herodotus Bitterest Quotes Control Quotes Men Quotes Mens Quotes Miseries Quotes Circumstances rule men; men do not rule circumstances. It is in the midst of disasters that bold men grow bolder.
Jacqueline NovogratzLeadership I think we so often equate leadership with being experts – the leader is supposed to come in and fix things. But in this interconnected world we live in now, it’s almost impossible for just one person to do that. – Jacqueline Novogratz
Helen Fielding If we can’t have comedy books written about aspects of womanhood without going into a panic attack about it, then we haven’t got very far at being equal. – Helen Fielding
Paul Haggis I don’t think it’s the job of filmmakers to give anybody answers. I do think, though, that a good film makes you ask questions of yourself as you leave the theatre. – Paul Haggis
Spencer Dinwiddie The most powerful thing billionaires have isn’t their voice. It’s earth-shattering, continent-moving, war-starting amounts of money. – Spencer Dinwiddie
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