Edward Gibbon Of the various forms of government which have prevailed in the world, an hereditary monarchy seems to present the fairest scope for ridicule. – Edward Gibbon Fairest Quotes Forms Quotes Government Quotes Hereditary Quotes Monarchy Quotes Prevailed Quotes Ridicule Quotes Scope Quotes Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our mind the minds of sages and heroes. The laws of probability, so true in general, so fallacious in particular.
Shaun Wright-Phillips I work on my whole game and learn from the people around me, who I’ve benefited from tremendously, or the new players who come in to the club. – Shaun Wright-Phillips
Robert Englund The roughest make-up I ever wore was for ‘Phantom of the Opera’ because the phantom’s face was all disfigured, and he’s trying to pass in public so he can attend his beloved opera. That was make-up over make-up. – Robert Englund
Ahmed Zewail In Egypt, every family is suffering from the deteriorated schooling and university system of the Mubarak regime. What families want most of all is to secure a good education for their children. – Ahmed Zewail
Romeo Dallaire Now, in this U.N. stuff, the commander, although he has troops, they don’t really belong to him. They’re loaned by the country to the U.N. to be used, but each of these countries provide a contingent commander, a senior guy who communicates directly back to his capital. – Romeo Dallaire
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