Josh Hart On a night where it’s needed I feel like I can step up and do that but if you want to win, guys got to sacrifice. – Josh Hart Feel Quotes Guys Quotes Night Quotes Sacrifice Quotes Step Quotes Win Quotes Personally, I’m not a fan of analytics. Obviously it has its benefits, but there are a lot of things you can’t measure in numbers. I’m fully committed to winning.
Nicholas Hammond Now I’ve been embraced by the real von Trapps. Those eight months I spent on that film set have been a gift for the rest of my life. – Nicholas Hammond
Alan Cohen Great masters neither want nor need your worship. Your greatest gift to them and yourself is to emulate their divinity by claiming it as your own. – Alan Cohen
Derek Jacobi I think that each character has fascinated and interested me enough to want to play him. – Derek Jacobi
No ID I have a Chicago personality, which means that just because I’m friends with one person, I don’t assume I’m friends with his friends. – No ID
Jay Kay I can find every jacket under the sun that I like. But I cannot find trousers cut the way I want them. They’re all really tight at the bottom. Nobody does a boot cut on a trouser leg. It drives me crazy. – Jay Kay
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