John C McGinley On ‘Platoon’ I was offered in 1984 a very tiny part that Ivan Kane would go on to play. Then the financing fell out, and the film was scuttled for two years. – John C McGinley Fell Quotes Film Quotes Financing Quotes Ivan Quotes Kane Quotes Offered Quotes Platoon Quotes Play Quotes Scuttled Quotes Tiny Quotes What’s so interesting about ‘Point Break’ to me is that it’s a study of testosterone and adrenaline by a woman. That’s why it’s little more interesting than it should be. TV tends to look for the living equivalents of squeaky-clean Kens and Barbies, but with my dial I’m more like Ken’s dirty old uncle.
Archibald MacLeish What is more important in a library than anything else – than everything else – is the fact that it exists. – Archibald MacLeish
Ray Stannard Baker The discrimination is not made openly, but a Negro who goes to such places is informed that there are no accommodations, or he is overlooked and otherwise slighted, so that he does not come again. – Ray Stannard Baker
Rain I experienced firsthand what it means to be poor, what it means to go hungry, and that, I think, may be the reason, the root cause of why I’m able to work so hard, even these days. – Rain
Manuel Puig I do believe that reading can help you understand what you’re writing and see what others are doing. But sometimes the desire for more information can act as an inhibitor. – Manuel Puig
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