Ben Hardy On stage, you rehearse for five weeks, and it goes out to 300 people. In ‘EastEnders,’ you get ten minutes to rehearse, and seven million people watch it! – Ben Hardy Eastenders Quotes Minutes Quotes People Quotes Rehearse Quotes Stage Quotes Watch Quotes Weeks Quotes I have so many man crushes – ‘my brother’ Tom Hardy, Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper – if he’s here today, I might get a bit squealish. As far as I know, the original ‘X-Men’ actors will remain in the franchise.
J R Smith My parents, my family, that’s the biggest inspiration in my life. I’ve been in a lot of dark spots in my life, and if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be able to get out of it, but they are who they are. They followed me. They yelled at me. They screamed at me. They loved me. – J R Smith
Martin ReesSad Scientists habitually moan that the public doesn’t understand them. But they complain too much: public ignorance isn’t peculiar to science. It’s sad if some citizens can’t tell a proton from a protein. But it’s equally sad if they’re ignorant of their nation’s history, can’t speak a second language, or can’t find Venezuela or Syria on a map. – Martin Rees
Leon Panetta Iran’s continued drive to develop nuclear capabilities, including troubling enrichment activities and past work on weaponization documented by the IAEA, and its continued support to groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist organizations make clear that the regime in Tehran is a very grave threat to all of us. – Leon Panetta
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